Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Live and Let Draw

Didn't have time to do much drawing yesterday, since I went to see Paul McCartney at the Hollywood Bowl. What an amazing show. While riding the subway in, I pulled out my iPhone and did a quick and dirty sketch on Sketchbook Mobile (what a rad app!) of one of the passengers (he just looked too interesting sitting there to pass up) so that I could have a point of reference for drawing him later. I haven't gotten around to working on that one yet, but I've been doing plenty of other drawing. I guess taking a day off really gets me itching to get back at it. So, here are a couple things worth throwing up here for everyone to see. I really need to get a better scanner so that these scans turn out better. As always, would love to hear what you think of the work!


  1. I dig The Punk. You can't be badass without one pant leg rolled up!

  2. Eric, I think these are great, but I wanna see these people interact!!

  3. Hey also check out our PSA here.
